Natalie’s Hobbies, part 5

I’m back to complete the mini series of my hobbies! Today I’m sharing about my love of photography! This is a passion that started in high school, where I took multiple photography classes. When I was 18, my parents gave me an amazing birthday present and worked with me to create a dark room at our cabin. I still use black and white film for some of my photography, but I’ve also entered the digital world. Andrew and I have a DSLR from Canon that is wonderful. The problem is we went from both having a lower quality DSLR to one upgraded DSLR, so we share now. The upgrade is definitely worth it, and it has taught us to prioritize a bit. It does help that most of the time we enjoy taking photos of different things.

I’m not a people photographer—portraits aren’t my thing. Nature and animals are my favorite subjects, but I also really enjoy finding unique views of things to share. My parents have said that I see the world in a different way than most, but I’m not so sure. I just enjoy finding beauty and interesting views that people might overlook. I also enjoy taking photos of planes, but probably not nearly as much as Andrew does! I like to think that I helped introduce Andrew to photography, because he really got into it and using a DSLR after we started dating and he saw what I was up to. Not sure whether he would agree with that though!

I’ll post some photos I’ve taken below.



What does family mean to us?


Natalie’s Hobbies, part 4