Sorry for the break

Hey everyone,

Sorry I haven’t posted in over a month. To be honest, summer is super busy for us but in the best way possible. We spend a lot of time outside and a lot of time traveling in the summer!

A (brief) recap of what we’ve been up to:

  • LOTS of weekends at the lake! We’ve spent about 2 weekends there every month since Memorial Day. This month I’m actually there 3 or 4 of the weekends and I’m spending next week there with Goldy. It’s a nice commute to…

  • I have a new job! I’ve switched which county I’m working in. I drive a bit further from our house and a bit closer to the lake for my commute now. I’m still a prosecutor though so not too much of a change. It has been an adjustment to a new office though!

  • I sprained my ankle- which made for a challenging week and a half! Andrew was an amazing care taker even if I’m a terrible patient. If he can be so patient and supportive when I’m not at my best, he is going to be an amazing dad when our future child gets sick.

  • We got a bigger inflatable pool! On weekends at home, I get to lounge outside on our deck in the ‘kiddie pool’— I love it!

  • We’ve seen a lot of our family on my mom’s side- and the littles keep growing! Between my cousins there is a 3 year old, a 2 year old, a 1 year old, and a baby due this fall. Add my sister’s baby into the mix at 9 and a half months old right now and it gets busy when we are all together! Unfortunately I haven’t gotten as much time with my sister and her daughter as I wish I could. They live on the east coast and with COVID neither of us has wanted to travel unnecessarily. They are here for 2 weeks right now though and I’m getting my baby fix in?

  • Andrew has joined the local park board and charter commission to get more involved locally- he seems to enjoy both!

  • Goldy just got his hair cut and is as cute as ever. He unfortunately has been diagnosed with a thyroid problem but it is very minor and seems to be treatable with a half a pill with his two meals.

  • I’m still loving my Bible Study through Walking With Purpose.

  • I joined book of the month club and am anxiously waiting for my second book!

  • Andrew is still working remote.

  • Our garden is growing like crazy!

  • Last night was national night out, which was a lot of fun.

Here are just a couple photos from this summer so far:

I’ll try to do better about posting again.



Natalie’s Hobbies, Part 1


A Week of Birthday Celebrations