Thanksgiving 2021

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I hope that wherever you are celebrating Thanksgiving this year, you are doing well and enjoying yourself. This year, Andrew and I are home with Goldy again. This time it isn’t due to the pandemic, but because I caught some sort of a bug. Despite being sick, there is so much to be thankful for! Like last year, I’m going to take the time today to list some of the things that we are thankful for.

  • The family we are building (Andrew, me, Goldy, and our future adopted child),

  • Our extended family (our parents, siblings, cousins, nieces, nephew, and grandparents),

  • The Brainerd Lakes Area community,

  • My new job in a different county,

  • Our friends,

  • Our house,

  • Our neighbors,

  • Goldy snuggles and playtime, and

  • the love and support of everyone on our adoption journey.

What are you thankful for today?



Time with Extended Family, part 1


Keeping the Biological Family Involved